Friday, 21 December 2012

10 Most Used Formulas Of MS Excel

Microsoft Excel has thousands of formulas all of which are useful however as not all people are created equals so is the case with Excel Formulas also. Some formulas of Excel are so useful that almost every excel user should know them, I have created a list of 10 most used formulas in MS Excel.    

This list contains 10 most used formulas of Microsoft Excel, a brief description on what the formula can be used for and at the bottom of the sheet is the link to free video tutorials to all these formulas.   

1 . Sum Formula
Difficulty level – Easy

This formula is used to add up numbers and is quite easy to use. So whenever you need to total up figures in Excel you can use the Sum Formula  

2. Average Formula    
Difficulty level – Easy

This formula is used to calculate the average of a data set , for example you have the sales of 12 months mentioned in a column and you would like to know what was the average sales per month then the average formula comes in handy .

3. Count Formula
Difficulty Level – Easy

This formula is used to find out the exact number of cells containing numbers. For example if you have a attendance spreadsheet where in the names of the employees are mentioned and in the next column their  in time is mentioned so if someone has not come then their  in time column would be blank .  Now if you want to know how many employees have come then you can use the Count formula to find the number of employees present !

4. Counta formula
Difficulty Level – Easy

This formula is used to find out the number of cells that are not empty, the counta formula would take count cells which contain numbers, alphabets and symbols. 
Click here to watch the Video

5. Concatenate Formula
Difficulty Level – Easy

This formula is used join the content of 2 cells into one cell ! For example if you have the first name  and last name of people mentioned in 2 different cells and you want to have them in a single cell then Concatenate formula would be very useful .  

6. Vlookup Formula
Difficulty Level – Medium

This formula is the most used lookup formula in Excel, for example if you are class teacher and have to find out the result of your class students out of the total result sheet of the school then Vlookup formula would be most effective to find the results of your class students ! 

7. If Formula
Difficulty Level – Medium

If formula is very effective and simple to use logical formula. For example you are marking attendance of students in class by typing P or A against their names in cell then if you use the If formula to then you could make excel say Present or Absent automatically for P and A respectively 
8. Countif Formula
Difficulty Level – Medium

This formula is used to find out the exact number of cells containing numbers based on a condition given by you. For example if you are looking at the sales of sheet of a mobile phone and where in every time a phone is sold the name of the brand  is mentioned in the sales sheet. Now if you want to find the count of sales based on a specific brand then all you need to use is the Countif formula : )  
9. Sumif Formula
Difficulty Level – Medium

This formula is used to total up figures based on a condition. For example if the sales figures of different phone brands are mentioned in a sheet and you want to total up for a specific brand then you could use the  

10. And Formula
Difficulty Level – Medium

This formula is used to find if each of the condition mentioned in a formula are true on not. For example if you want to find out whether a sales representative from your team qualifies for incentive or not then you could use the AND formula J Myelesson has Free Online Excel Tutorial to learn Microsoft Excel 2007. Click here to start the MS Excel tutorial.


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  3. How can i download this video (10 Most Used Formulas Of MS Excel), for my practice?

  4. How can i download this video (10 Most Used Formulas Of MS Excel), for my practice?
